Guy Farley's painting-like score offsets the unnecessary nudity; The heart-warming ending pays for the long-winded process...but...there is no turnback for a flawed script as it reminds me of the things my-EMO-self wrote in high school~
这片子居然过审了黑我党的吧 为了帮秦俊杰拿到密码民主人士帮他巡捕房帮他中统帮他甚至连日本女间谍也帮他 唯一不帮他的吴映蝶是我党地下党理由是为了怕暴露我去中统早就知道那家茶馆是联络站只是觉得未来国共会合作所以 该片是给我党的如何过审的好奇 唯一歌颂的我党角色吴映蝶是那个真蔡博士 only
"God will save us, all we need is expiation" I beg your FUCKING pardon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!